I climbed that mountain in my LinkedIn profile banner - last month. It's the 8th highest mountain in the world. 3 years ago I had another mountain in my profile ... and I climbed it, a year after I replaced the other mountain I had on my banner, because I'd climbed it the year before that. I never knew how or when I was going to climb any of them ... until I pasted them into my profile, and imprinted them on my brain and told myself to "figure it out". Then year after year I would view every decision I made whether family, love, career or money through the lens of that objective.
When I look back on the last 10 years I can't believe what I've accomplished in the mountains. I've impressed even ME, and I'm my harshest critic by a longshot. And those other things I 'sacrificed' in pursuit of those singular personal (selfish) objectives ... well, ask my son, my friends, my family, and the players I coach if they think they got anything less than 100% of Justin every time we were together.
Work on YOU every day, set unimaginable personal objectives ... you'll know you're on the right track when you find yourself thinking "that's impossible!" ... and when you hear that ... WRITE THAT IDEA DOWN. GIVE IT OXYGEN. TELL OTHER PEOPLE. MAKE IT REAL. You'll be amazed at what happens next!
And me ... well I'm currently dreaming the next impossible dream. Stay tuned for a change in my profile picture.